地区 | 观塘/秀茂坪 |
物业类别 | 住宅 (整间出租) 出租 |
住宅类别 | 屋苑 |
物业地址 | 觀塘牛頭角道300-302號 |
住房间隔 | 开放式间隔 |
实用面积 | 实用面积 200 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 8300 /月 |
按金 | 按金 2 个月 |
租约期 | 12 个月 |
入住日期 | 随时 |
租金包括 |
適合單人或2-3人家庭居住,位於市中心精選地段,步行可達觀塘及牛頭角地鐵站,鄰近圖書館及各大生活配套。 交通便捷,生活設施齊全,拎包即住。單位設有獨立廚房及洗手間,並配備冷氣、雪櫃、中央熱水及WiFi,精巧布局讓您的生活更舒適。 房間內部分區明確,注重隱私、生活質感及衛生環境,為您提供一個整潔、舒適的居住空間。 Ideal for individuals or families of 2-3 members, this unit is located in a prime city-center location within walking distance to Kwun Tong and Ngau Tau Kok MTR stations, as well as nearby libraries and various lifestyle amenities. With excellent transport links and fully equipped facilities, the unit is move-in ready. It features an independent kitchen and private bathroom, along with air-conditioning, a refrigerator, a central water heating system, and WiFi. The well-planned layout ensures a comfortable living experience. The interior design emphasizes privacy, quality living, and hygiene, providing a clean and comfortable living space.